ASTRONEST - The Beginning 2.3.6 Android Game APK Free Download

ASTRONEST - The Beginning 2.3.6 is a Android Game developed by AN Games Co., Ltd. It is a Strategy type of Game with lots of surprises. This game alread downloaded over 500,000 - 1,000,000 times from initial release. ASTRONEST - The Beginning requires your device to have Android 2.3.6 to play. This version of the game released with lot of bug fixes and performance improvements. You can go ahead and Download ASTRONEST - The Beginning 2.3.6 APK full version from the download page to install directly on your Android Device.

To Install ASTRONEST - The Beginning, All you need to do is just copy file into your Phone's SD card or Internal Storage, double tap copied file then click "Install" to manually Install onto the Android device.

17974 Ratings

App Information:

Title:ASTRONEST - The Beginning
Publish Date:
File Size:49M

ASTRONEST - The Beginning Intro Video:

About ASTRONEST - The Beginning:

The #1 Space Sci-Fi Strategy MMO on mobile! Colonize planets, build epic space fleets and fight for either Terra or Neos to take control over various regions in the galaxy!

Background Story
2525 AD. Man is an interplanetary species, fueled by the discovery of 3 powerful new elements: Raon, Nugen and Sectium. Collectively called the Cosments, these resources were shared between the two dominant hegemonies, the Alliance of Neos and the Federation of Terra. But an already strained peace explodes from the devastating arrival of a mysterious Alien fleet. Humanity’s confidence is shaken to its core, and war is now unleashed across the galaxy.

As a powerful commander, both Neos and Terra call upon your aid. Strategy and wise usage of resources will prove to be important as you colonize planets, recruit skilled heroes, and develop warships to lead in battle against a multitude of enemy Commanders. Along the way, you will raid alien fleets and capture their technology, discover TRONs and EXTERs, and form crucial alliances.

The universe of AstroNest awaits. Which side will you choose?

Play AstroNest now and experience:
● A TRUE SPACE SCI-FI MMO EXPERIENCE: Work with your faction and engage in epic inter-factional wars.
● ASTRO LEAGUE : The most competitive game mode where strategy is of outmost importance.
● PURSUIT : Pursue and capture space pirates and bring them to justice for bounty.
● SPACE STRATEGY : Create your own unique combination of strategic formations and weaponized fleets.
● ALIEN TECHNOLOGIES : Raid the Aliens and harvest their technology to empower your fleets.
● BUILDING AN INTERGALACTIC EMPIRE: Colonize planets and work together with up to 50 allies!
● A RICH SCI-FI TRADITION : A prequel to the browser-based classic AstroNest (1999).

▣ When a player starts a new AstroNest - The Beginning account via Google, Google Play will ask to 'GET_ACCOUNTS' Permissions at Login.

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Internet Data Use :
AstroNest:The Beginning requires a stable internet connection and is best played on Wi-Fi. After initial install and updates AstroNest:The Beginning needs to download additional game data, Wi-Fi is recommended.

For support, please contact us through these channels:

ASTRONEST - The Beginning Screenshots:

Download ASTRONEST - The Beginning 2.3.6:

You can download ASTRONEST - The Beginning 2.3.6 APK from a External secure server found on the internet or directly download on Google Playstore using the following links.

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