Flamingo for Twitter (Beta) [Full Version] Android APK Free Download

Flamingo for Twitter (Beta) is a Android App developed by Sam Ruston. It is a Social kind of App with lots of features listed. This App already downloaded around 10,000 - 50,000 times from initial release. Flamingo for Twitter (Beta) requires your device to have Android to open this App. This particular version of the App released with lot of bug fixes and performance improvements. You can go ahead and Download Flamingo for Twitter (Beta) APK full version from the download page to install directly on your Android Device.

To Install Flamingo for Twitter (Beta), All you need to do is just copy com.samruston.twitter.apk file into your Phone's SD card or Internal Storage, double tap copied file then click "Install" to manually Install onto the Android device.

1802 Ratings

App Information:

Title:Flamingo for Twitter (Beta)
Publish Date:
Developer:Sam Ruston
Package ID:com.samruston.twitter
File Size:9.0M

About Flamingo for Twitter (Beta):

Flamingo is a bright and colourful Twitter client, which a simple and greatly customisable interface. It provides you with the Twitter experience you know and love with beautiful material design. You can easily switch between several accounts, and individually theme those accounts. GIFs can be played inline in the timeline and you can easily add them to your tweets (powered by Giphy). Hover preview allows you to quickly preview photos, gifs and user profiles by simply long pressing on an icon or image.

Important: Flamingo is in its early stages, there will be features missing and bugs present so please take the time to email me about this before leaving a negative review.

Please submit any feedback to the Google+ community

Flamingo for Twitter (Beta) Screenshots:

Download Flamingo for Twitter (Beta)

You can download Flamingo for Twitter (Beta) APK from a External secure server found on the internet or directly download on Google Playstore using the following links.

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