FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper 4.4.5 Android Game APK Free Download

FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper 4.4.5 is a Android Game developed by DeNA Corp.. It is a Role Playing type of Game with lots of surprises. This game alread downloaded over 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 times from initial release. FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper requires your device to have Android 4.4.5 to play. This version of the game released with lot of bug fixes and performance improvements. You can go ahead and Download FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper 4.4.5 APK full version from the download page to install directly on your Android Device.

To Install FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper, All you need to do is just copy com.dena.west.FFRK.apk file into your Phone's SD card or Internal Storage, double tap copied file then click "Install" to manually Install onto the Android device.

130477 Ratings

App Information:

Title:FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper
Publish Date:
Developer:DeNA Corp.
Package ID:com.dena.west.FFRK
File Size:73M
Category:Role Playing

FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper Intro Video:

About FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper:


Gigantic update!

RELIVE your favorite FINAL FANTASY moments in FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper!

Fight with your favorite FINAL FANTASY heroes, battle through classic FINAL FANTASY moments, restore the lost memories and save the world once again.


"FINAL FANTASY: Record Keeper has single handedly restored my faith as to the potential of this franchise and genre on mobile...” - Touch Arcade

"FINAL FANTASY: Record Keeper takes characters and scenes and mixes them together to form a new experience, giving fans a new way to revisit their favorites.” - GamesBeat

"...must-have for fans of the Final Fantasy series." - CNET, 04/02/15



Battle your way through the most epic FINAL FANTASY moments, woven together for the first time on mobile with an all-new tale! Tyro, a brand new character designed by Tetsuya Nomura, takes center stage!

Put your own twist on the tales: build your fully customized FINAL FANTASY party and lead them to victory! With a massive roster of FINAL FANTASY characters, the possibilities are nearly endless!

Experience the iconic FINAL FANTASY Active Time Battle (ATB) system! YOU control the flow of battle!

With special events every week, complete new chapters and collect limited edition characters, gear and abilities!



In a glorious kingdom that thrives on the harmony between magic and art, epic tales of valor and hope have been passed from one generation to the next.

The records of these great chronicles uphold the peace and prosperity of all civilization. The kingdom sealed these records inside paintings, to safeguard the balance of the world.

That is until, without warning, the records within the paintings began to fade away... Darkness fell upon the world, bringing catastrophe and ruin.

The time has come for you to save the kingdom’s future.

Defend Your Legacy.



A bunch of memorable moments are called out from FINAL FANTASY!

FINAL FANTASY VII: Lead AVALANCHE against Shinra, and unravel Sephiroth’s plans…
FINAL FANTASY VIII: Take your place in the elite group SeeD, and recruit the powerful Guardian Forces…
FINAL FANTASY X: Battle Sin, and uncover the mysteries of the lost city of Zanarkand…
FINAL FANTASY XIII: Rise up against the fal’Cie, and discover the true history of the world of Pulse…

And many, many more...

© DeNA Co., Ltd.

FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper Screenshots:

Download FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper 4.4.5:

You can download FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper 4.4.5 APK from a External secure server found on the internet or directly download on Google Playstore using the following links.

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