21 Day Complete Reboot 1.30 [Full Version] Android APK Free Download

21 Day Complete Reboot 1.30 is a Android App developed by The Modern Pen and Paper Company, LLC. It is a Health & Fitness kind of App with lots of features listed. This App already downloaded around 5,000 - 10,000 times from initial release. 21 Day Complete Reboot requires your device to have Android 1.30 to open this App. This particular version of the App released with lot of bug fixes and performance improvements. You can go ahead and Download 21 Day Complete Reboot 1.30 APK full version from the download page to install directly on your Android Device.

To Install 21 Day Complete Reboot, All you need to do is just copy com.modernpenandpaper.a21daycompletereboot.apk file into your Phone's SD card or Internal Storage, double tap copied file then click "Install" to manually Install onto the Android device.

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App Information:

Title:21 Day Complete Reboot
Publish Date:
Package ID:com.modernpenandpaper.a21daycompletereboot
File Size:4.1M

About 21 Day Complete Reboot:

Reboot the way to track your 21 Day programs - meal items and containers, exercises, and water.

21 Day Complete has been the NUMBER ONE instrument in helping you accomplish your weight loss and fitness goals for years. We rebooted with a new look and style. Now it's your turn!

This app was designed for the health and environmentally conscious...and our features will prove it :D

The 21 Day Complete Reboot comes with a base and an extreme 21 Day schedule; a robust meal planner style tracking system to fix your meal habits, and a report manager so you can generate measurement and weight reports (PDF). See your progress and SAVE IT!

Fix it! Track it! Reboot it!

21 Day Complete Reboot also contains a cycle manager. A cycle manager? What's that Tone? A cycle manager gives you the ability, at the end of your 21 days, to track another 21 days. NO MORE LOSING YOUR INFORMATION to do another round! You can also reset the current cycle without resetting the app!

It takes your body about 21 days to make or break a habit (depending on the habit). Sometime you need to go through a few cycles to fix your meal habits.

Meal Plans - Control your meals!
21 Day Complete Reboot is NOT your typical click to subtract 1/2-portions. 21 Day Complete Reboot gives you the tools of a meal planner to focus on individual meal items and their portions you eat.

✔ All calculations are done for you! Total and Remaining portions at a glance.
✔ Edit container portions anytime.

✔ Customize and use TWO meal plans throughout your 21 days. *See Plan to Use photo.
✔ Create a competition countdown or bootcamp meal plan in seconds - 2 days on 1 day extreme meal plan.

What did I eat?
✔ Daily meals report - view/export all 6 meals at a glance into a 1 or 2 page PDF reports.

My Meals!
✔ Create custom meal items that you can quickly add to meal planner - cuts down on the repeat typing.
✔ Items do not get wiped away with new cycles!

Food List
✔ Includes the updated spice it up food list. Viva!
✔ No more carrying your book around!

Daily Weight Tracking
✔ View your progress with each entry.
✔ Weight Report can be generated and saved!
✔ View your weight in lb or kg on main screen (Settings)

Daily Notes
✔ Track your thoughts along the way.

✔ Track how your body changes!
✔ Before and After measurement tracking AND PHOTOS!!!!
★ add, combine, share!
✔ Measurement Reports show the change between each body part as well as total (inches or centimeters)

Grocery/Shopping List
✔ Gotta shop! We made it easier!
✔ Plan your trip to the grocery store! Create a list of foods you will need from the approved food lists.
✔ Add your own, sort, share/email - Honey Get List!
✔ List does not get wiped away with new cycles!

✔ Stay Active and Hydrated This Summer!
★ Separate reminders

✔ Create a custom 21 day schedule with your own exercises!
✔ Custom exercises do not get wiped away with new cycles!
✔ Track multiple workouts per day!
✔ Add a note to each workout!

Water Tracker
✔ Stay hydrated! Track your daily water consumption.
✔ Calculates a suggested water quantity based on current weight.
✔ Chose from various size water bottles (in Settings).
✔ Calculates in oz and mL
✔ Edit water quantity anytime.

Reports - Why track it if you can't view it?
✔ Cycle Measurement Reports (before and after comparison)
✔ Cycle Weight Report (all 21 days in one PDF)
★ PDF reports are available for devices with android 4.4 and above★
★ Share reports to email available for all devices!

The 21 Day Complete Reboot app includes a Guidance section which covers the basics. For additional help or suggestions our email address is included. Please feel free to email us. Thank you - Tony

- several permissions are needed ie., device write for report generation and save.

The Modern Pen and Paper Company™
Creating apps that save more than time!

Designed, compiled, and proud to say, Made in U.S.A.

21 Day Complete Reboot Screenshots:

Download 21 Day Complete Reboot 1.30:

You can download 21 Day Complete Reboot 1.30 APK from a External secure server found on the internet or directly download on Google Playstore using the following links.

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