Celebrate Recovery Bible 7.8 [Full Version] Android APK Free Download

Celebrate Recovery Bible 7.8 is a Android App developed by Tecarta, Inc.. It is a Books & Reference kind of App with lots of features listed. This App already downloaded around 500 - 1,000 times from initial release. Celebrate Recovery Bible requires your device to have Android 7.8 to open this App. This particular version of the App released with lot of bug fixes and performance improvements. You can go ahead and Download Celebrate Recovery Bible 7.8 APK full version from the download page to install directly on your Android Device.

To Install Celebrate Recovery Bible, All you need to do is just copy com.tecarta.CelebrateRecoveryBible.apk file into your Phone's SD card or Internal Storage, double tap copied file then click "Install" to manually Install onto the Android device.

68 Ratings

App Information:

Title:Celebrate Recovery Bible
Publish Date:
Developer:Tecarta, Inc.
Package ID:com.tecarta.CelebrateRecoveryBible
File Size:22M

About Celebrate Recovery Bible:

Find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits!
If you long to break free from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits, the NIV Celebrate Recovery Bible is a powerful and positive ally. It's based on eight recovery principles found in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and on the underlying Christ-centered twelve steps of the proven Celebrate Recovery program.

The NIV Celebrate Recovery Bible lifts you up and shows you how to walk, step by attainable step, on a path of healing and liberty. Based on the proven and successful Celebrate Recovery program developed by John Baker and Rick Warren, the NIV Celebrate Recovery Bible offers hope, encouragement, and—through developing a relationship with Jesus Christ—empowerment to rise above your hurts, hang-ups, and habits. With features based on eight principles Jesus voiced in his Sermon on the Mount, this insightful Bible is for anyone struggling with the circumstances of their lives and the habits they are trying to control.

“I’m excited you’re beginning the journey to recovery. Your life will change. You’ll experience freedom from your sinful habits, hang-ups, and hurts as you give up control and allow Jesus to be Lord in every area of your life.”
From the foreword by Dr. Rick Warren, senior pastor, Saddleback Church.

"Throughout the pages of Scripture, we see God’s heart for celebrating recovery! This collection will help you experience and celebrate that journey, one step at a time. Jump in and see how recovery and spiritual growth are one and the same."
- Dr. Henry Cloud, Christian psychologist, author, and speaker

- Full text of the world’s most popular modern English Bible—the New International Version (NIV)
- Articles explain eight recovery principles and accompanying Christ-centered twelve steps
- Over 110 lessons unpack eight recovery principles in practical terms
- Recovery stories offer encouragement and hope
- 30 days of devotional readings
- Over 50 full-page biblical character studies are tied to stories from real-life people who have found peace and help with their own hurts, hang-ups and habits
- Book introductions
- Topical index
- Fast and easy to use
- Flip back and forth from your Bible to note-taking during lessons with one touch and not miss a thing
- No internet connection needed for downloaded Bibles, Study Bibles, Commentaries and Devotionals
- Use either Study mode or Parallel mode.
- Select, copy and paste multiple verses easily and quickly
- Quick navigation either by using predictive entry or table of contents
- Margin notes allow you to write notes for a specific passage
- Night mode for low light reading
- Both word and verse selection for highlights
- Facebook and Twitter sharing
- Highlighting allows readers to easily emphasize verses or passages
- Full-text search by OT, NT or current book allows users to quickly find words and study topics
- Bookmark your favorite passages for quick future reference or make your own personal studies
- Powerful folder system allows users to organize notes and bookmarks
- History folder and back button
- Portrait / Landscape mode
- Cross references by tap and hold underlined words in the NIV and NASB
- Font sizes can be easily changed
- Easily e-mail notes to yourself, friends or family
- NIV, ESV, NKJV, KJV, and NASB are red-letter editions, which can be optionally disabled
- Users can expand Bible translations library easily and affordably through in-app purchase
- Split-screen capability for parallel translations
- Autoscroll with adjustable speed
- Synchronize all your notes, bookmarks, margin notes and highlights across all Android devices

Are we missing any features you would like to see? Do you have any suggestions? Email us at androidsupport@tecarta.com

Celebrate Recovery Bible Screenshots:

Download Celebrate Recovery Bible 7.8:

You can download Celebrate Recovery Bible 7.8 APK from a External secure server found on the internet or directly download on Google Playstore using the following links.

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