End Space VR for Cardboard 1.2.2 [Full Version] Android Game APK Free Download

End Space VR for Cardboard 1.2.2 is a Android Game developed by Orange Bridge Studios Inc.. It is a Arcade type of Game with lots of surprises. This game alread downloaded over 10,000 - 50,000 times from initial release. End Space VR for Cardboard requires your device to have Android 1.2.2 to play. This version of the game released with lot of bug fixes and performance improvements. You can go ahead and Download End Space VR for Cardboard 1.2.2 APK full version from the download page to install directly on your Android Device.

To Install End Space VR for Cardboard, All you need to do is just copy com.endspacevr.apk file into your Phone's SD card or Internal Storage, double tap copied file then click "Install" to manually Install onto the Android device.

330 Ratings

App Information:

Title:End Space VR for Cardboard
Publish Date:
Package ID:com.endspacevr
File Size:49M

End Space VR for Cardboard Intro Video:

About End Space VR for Cardboard:

Important: Please note this game is built specifically for Google Cardboard and requires your phone is compatible with the Cardboard app. If your phone does not work with this app or you have problems, please e-mail me before leaving a negative review.

End Space VR is a first-person arcade space shooter built for virtual reality. Using head based movement you pilot a small space fighter through intense space battles defeating progressively harder waves of enemies. Fire your ship's lasers with your headsets trigger button, or if no trigger is available with gaze based targeting.

Featuring triple AAA graphics and the use of 3D positional audio, End Space VR delivers the most immersive and compelling VR experience available on Cardboard. It has been fully optimized to squeeze out every bit of performance to provide a fluid and smooth VR experience.

End Space VR features:
• Fully immersive VR experience using AAA graphics and 3D sound
• 3 beautifully crafted space environments to fly through
• Never ending gameplay with progressively harder waves of enemies
• Highly detailed ships with damage modeling and destructible pieces
• Powerful upgrades to your ship and weapons
• Share your score with friends, how many waves can you complete?
• Built with the latest guidelines for VR to provide a comfortable and immersive experience

Game options:
• You can disable VR mode in the main menu
• If your Google Cardboard / VR headset does not have a trigger button disable the Trigger option in the main menu. This will allow head gaze based shooting.
• Most Bluetooth and USB gamepad controllers are now supported,

End Space VR is best experienced with headphones. Please play standing or seated on a swivel chair. Enemies will try and attack you from behind!

If you experience steady drift, placing your phone on a flat surface for a few seconds can help to calibrate the sensors.

Have an idea how to improve the game?

E-mail me: justin@endspacevr.com
Get updates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endspacevr
Check out the website at: http://endspacevr.com

End Space VR for Cardboard Screenshots:

Download End Space VR for Cardboard 1.2.2:

You can download End Space VR for Cardboard 1.2.2 APK from a External secure server found on the internet or directly download on Google Playstore using the following links.

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