Tsuro - The Game of the Path 1.3.3 [Full Version] Android Game APK Free Download

Tsuro - The Game of the Path 1.3.3 is a Android Game developed by Thunderbox Entertainment. It is a Board type of Game with lots of surprises. This game alread downloaded over 1,000 - 5,000 times from initial release. Tsuro - The Game of the Path requires your device to have Android 1.3.3 to play. This version of the game released with lot of bug fixes and performance improvements. You can go ahead and Download Tsuro - The Game of the Path 1.3.3 APK full version from the download page to install directly on your Android Device.

To Install Tsuro - The Game of the Path, All you need to do is just copy com.Thunderbox.Tsuro.apk file into your Phone's SD card or Internal Storage, double tap copied file then click "Install" to manually Install onto the Android device.

420 Ratings

App Information:

Title:Tsuro - The Game of the Path
Publish Date:
Package ID:com.Thunderbox.Tsuro
File Size:37M

About Tsuro - The Game of the Path:

The award-wining puzzle strategy board game, now for your Android.

Create your own journey with Tsuro: The Game of the Path. Place a tile and slide your stone along the path created, but take care! Other players’ paths can lead you in the wrong direction - or off the board entirely! Paths will cross and connect, and the choices you make affect all the journeys across the board.

"One of the prettiest apps you'll ever see... as close as you can get to opening up a box and playing the cardboard version." - Board Game Geek

The intricate artwork of the original board game is brought to life with fluid animation and sparkling pyrotechnics. Every component has been recreated in meticulous detail, including the box!

Intuitive controls deliver a board game experience so real you could almost touch it.

Classic Tsuro, plus 3 new ways to play, exclusive to the digital version: Solo, Loop Battle and Longest Path.

Tsuro is easy enough for anyone to pick up... but it requires cunning and strategy to become a master.

Tsuro supports up to 8 players, around one device or online. Play against your Facebook friends, or go solo to see who can build the longest path.

Choose from 3 AI personalities to challenge your strategic skill.

Over 50 achievements put your path-building skills to the ultimate test.

Tsuro - The Game of the Path Screenshots:

Download Tsuro - The Game of the Path 1.3.3:

You can download Tsuro - The Game of the Path 1.3.3 APK from a External secure server found on the internet or directly download on Google Playstore using the following links.

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